Bisphenol A Not detected
LFGB Certified
FC Certified
Mother’s corn Bubble
CE Certified
MOTHER’S CORN原料来自玉米和马铃薯等植物, 材料栽培过程中减少二氧化碳的排放,石油化工产品的使用率减到最低,所以不会损害地球环境。
Mother’s Corn tableware is made of plant-based materials, such as corn and potatoes, to reduce Co2 and minimize the use of petrochemical substances, in order that the global environment is spared from harm.
MOTHER’S CORN是由从植物淀粉中提取的乳酸获得的PLA(聚乳酸)的树脂做为主要成分制作,通过添加矿物质来增加耐久性
Mother’s Corn made of PLA. Poly Lactic Acid is a resin derived form the lactic acid extracted from vegetable starch. Minerals are added to reinforce the durability.
MOTHER’S CORN 是由安全环保的材质制成,没有检测到重金属和环境激素等有害物质, 可以放心的给孩子使用。
No toxic materials, such as heavy metals and environ,ental hormones, are detected in Mother’s Corn products. We ensure the safety of our children by utilizing only the safe and natural materials.
为了安全以及质量在MOTHER’S CORN 生产过程中产生的不良品及副产品不会再利用制作餐具,而是以再生产品用于花盆生产中。
During the production of Mother’s Corn products, all the “left over” elements are gathered, thoroughly inspected to ensure biodegradability and safety, and these elements are used to create an eco-friendly flower vase and por.
我们开发了一种能够再利用塑料瓶盖的创意产品,占每年废弃的2520万吨(欧盟标准)塑料废弃物中塑料瓶盖占63.6%。 MOTHER’S CORN总是为了减少地球上的垃圾而努力。
In Europe alone, PET bottles amass 63.6% of annual plastic waste. This is 25.2 Million ton! Mother’s Corn has implemented a brilliant idea of reusing the bottle caps, and in this way, we seek to minimise waste, save resources and protect our environment.
“Bis-Kit” is made from recycled materials and is fully biodegradable. The product is dually useful as a flowerpot and vase.
MOTHER’S CORN产品废弃后被土壤中的微生物降解并回归于大自然。
All Mother’s Corn products are biodegradable in nature, so once the products are disposed of, they fully decompose and dissolve in soil.